Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Own Series of Unfortunate Events

On average I do not consider myself a complete ditz, klutz, airhead, unlucky, or as if the universe was out to get me.
However, I am beginning to wonder. This turn of events began about week and a half ago when I headed out to my car in full joy of a nice sunny day, singing "Oh what a beautiful morning". I got in my car, key in ignition....aaaand nothing. My car didn't even feign an attempt at starting. Thank God I had just joined AAA. I had to call my boss to tell her I was going to be late and I waited for my rescue. The AAA guy came, looked at my battery, and suggested I just buy a new one- this sucker was dead. So, bought a new battery (not so cheap it turns out), and headed off to work. Later that weekend as I drove up to Camarillo to visit some friends my car overheated and I was nearly stranded out in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully the "nowhere" was close enough for my friend's mom and brother to come rescue me and my car. I don't think I will ever fully escape the feeling of being a kid. A few days later I decided to take a step outside of my apartment for some fresh air. As I closed the screen door my hand (by pure habit) decides to lock the door. There was a moment of looking at the door and feeling the urge to panic. But logic came into play and I realize panicking is not going to aid this situation at all. With only shorts, tank top, and n shoes, I'm thankful it's a warm night. I sit on my little cement porch and start praying that this will be the night my roommate comes home early. I even think "I could sleep out here, it's not cold. I'm sure she'll be home at some point." Cue cockroach scurrying across the step. "Nope, I think it's time to finally meet my neighbors." So after finally mustering up the courage knock on my neighbor's door I ask for some advice on how to get myself back into my apartment. We go through a few options like calling my landlord (I say "no" since it's 11pm at this point), just trying to break in ourselves (I say "no" since I have to no money to pay for buying a new door), and looking up my roommates number by looking up my cell phone bill online ( I say "yes" to this one). Unfortunately AT&T's site is down. Thanks to Facebook, I find a friend's number that would have my roommate's number (did I mention I am sans phone?). I finally get ahold of my roommate at 11pm, she is at a restaurant and says she'll be home soon. 12:30 am rolls around, no roommate. I'm getting antsy while I'm watching Jackass on my neighbor's couch feeling like a jackass myself. Due to her own fiasco, my roommate does not show up until 2am. Finally I get back in, 4 hours later and my neighbor asked if he could have a cup of sugar, I gladly offered it up.
So, finally, we're at last Saturday. I've relayed these fun fiasco adventures to a friend and he says "well, there's that rule of 3s. You should be good for now". Little did I know how wrong he was. I headed up to Camarillo once again for a bit of the Labor Day weekend and on my way I stop at a gas station (the same one I had to stop at with my over heated car) to get something to drink. Come to find out, my card doesn't want to work. My card is declined for a slushy. After calling customer service I get no answer since they are closed and I find myself facing the 3 day weekend with $1 in my wallet and half a tank of gas to get me back home and wherever else I need to get before Tuesday. Awesome.
The topper. #5 to my broken rule of 3. I get to my friends house, hang out, have a good time, get back to my car....aaaaand my keys are locked in my car. I have NEVER done this. NEVER. Thank you AAA for being awesome and coming to my rescue once again.
I would like to mention the fact that my "adopted" California parents of my friend totally surprised me by sneaking a little bit of emergency cash in my wallet that weekend. Yay for yet again feeling like a helpless kid.
I'm hoping this concludes my run of fiasco for quite awhile.
Here's to a quiet week.

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