My mind can't seem to accept the fact I'll be back at the bank tomorrow.
Sorry my tales have not been on the more humorous side as of late, but in between my laughter comes insights into reality.
I think I have officially fallen in love with Toronto. What contrast I feel from my first week. I'm still the small town girl, but this big city has given me such a big hug. All this is due to the people I have met.
My second and last weekend of class deepend my friendships, I actually met the mayor of Toronto and he gave me a few pointers on how to move here. I went to see The Hour and talked with George Stromboulopoulos and he set me up to meet with the head writers of the show. They were so friendly and gave me advice on where to take the next steps to possibly work there with them.
Hanging out with Deb and her friends: I never once felt like they were just her friends. I can't recall one negative encounter with a person. I know I am lucky and this has been only two weeks, but my heart wants to come back here so badly. In the arts and entertainment world here there doesn't seem to be that race to be celebrity.
I worry for L.A, but if I keep my eyes set on coming back here and working I know that L.A will provide some of the experience I need to make a good resume.
I know some of what I did here is considered "networking". I don't like that word though. It has such a self-driven conotation to it. I like to think of these people I met as friends. We're all a family in the art world and are trying to continue to dig deeper into the art.
It's naive and hopeful, but I'll hang on to that as long as I can.
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