Today's winning deposit was a parakeet.
I've had it! I draw the line of people bringing in their stupid pets when a man's bird decides to clickity-clack across my keyboard with it's little claws and disease infested feathers.
The owner walked into the bank already looking suspicious. He wore a large tan trench coat, sunglasses, and a hat. I got a little worried seeing him in line. He looked like he could have been a robber... or a flasher!...except I could see the pantlegs. As he walked up to my window he took his hand out of his pocket. Instead of a gun he pulled out his parakeet. He layed it on the counter and the bird started walking closer to me and then walked over my keyboard. It took everything in me to put my hand near it and have him walk onto my finger.
"Here! Take your bird!" I said trying not to sound too disgusted. I then found out the man wasn't even our customer and he only had some vague questions about IRAs.
I feel like our bank is a pet store sometimes. There are a few dogs I don't mind that come in. They are small and quiet. Still, our money is dirty enough we don't need animals. I have seen people bring in a tiny monkey, a ferret, a rat, and now a bird.
Please! this is not a zoo. Leave the wildlife where it belongs.
I am not an animal hater. I like watching those nature channels and I don't want them to die, but please don't make me touch it. I don't know why animals freaks me out but they do.
As soon as creepy flasher bird man left you can be sure the lysol and anti-bacterial were soon brought out.
Please. Leave your animals at home.
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