17 Jan 2008
This is how I know my life is a comedy:
I made it Toronto safely. My flight early and my bags intact.
Today I got settled into my little furnished apartment that's really a room, kitchen, and bathroom on the third floor of someone's house.
As Deb and I followed the directions given to me by "landlady" we walked the cold streets of Toronto. I tried to keep an eye on all buildings so I could remember landmarks to help me find my way around when I was on my own.
As we got closer to the address I noticed flags hanging from windows and shops. The Canandian flag? I think not. Think more colorful.
The gay pride flag.
Deb started laughing "I think your apartment is in the gay neighborhood".
Yes my friends. It is.
If I didn't already start to feel like a small town girl in a big city and waaaayyyy out of place I sure did now.
The lady who owns the house is very nice and the third floor is pretty seperate from the rest of the house. I am reminded of my housemates when the kids come home though.
While putting away my tioletries I noticed there was a big window across from the shower....and no curtain. Not even frosted glass. Looks like I'll be giving free shows if I don't find something to put up quick!
I went down to see the Second City training center. I felt like such and awkward 13 year old. "Uh hi! I was wondering where the training center is (I was at their main stage). I just flew in from Washington! I'm all turned around. I'm so excited for class. I just wanted to find where it was now so I don't get lost tomorrow." All this said in one stream and one breath. The guys at the desk gave me an interesting look and told me where the training center was. Deb made some funny quick remark to the guys to account for my 13-year-oldness.
ugh. Day one. It's a funny thing to be in a big city and feel completely alone.
I have Deb, but I still feel really out of place.
Things will get better I know. I'm just observing my feelings as of day one.
Week One
Tiny Fish; Big Ocean.
At first I thought it would be a culture shock to be living in a big city, but as the days have passed and the classes have finished for the first weekend I've had time to think things through.
My classes at Second City have been going well. A lot is review but since most of the fundamentals have not come second nature to me I am grateful for the repetition.
I get in to see the Second City shows for a good discount (some free student shows) so I'm attending all that I can. I saw my first mainstage show Sunday. They are an amazing group.
My thoughts as I headed to the subway afterwards were things I had figured I might think and feel. But no amount of reading and journaling could really prepare my heart for the realization of just how far I have to go if I am to "make it".
It seems funny to me that even though I've been preparing myself for this big ocean/tiny fish feeling it didn't really hit home until I took the first step.
I thank you soooo much for all of your support. I realize just how important that is to hang on to to keep going.
I know I have a long way to go and will have to work really hard. It's just an interesting experience to see the knowledge/realization go from my head down to my heart.
1 comment:
Glad that you enjoyed your time here. I think I already mentioned that you were one of the people in class that "got it". You are good at being whatever you have to be to make the scene/game/exercise work. I am jealous. But not so jealous as to show real emotion in front of the class. Because that would be out of character for me.
Take care,
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