Just in time for NaNoWriMo (starting tomorrow) I was taught some very important lessons this weekend through my new interest in rock climbing.
Things I have learned from my early beginnings as a rock climber:
Some things may seem huge and daunting and even impossible but you start with a step. A good firm foot hold, then look for a hand hold. There are times when all of your weight is on a tiny sliver of rock no wider than a dime (but it holds you safely). Sometimes you have to back up and plan your next couple steps. It's a puzzle and the joy comes from figuring it out and also in the continuing onward. This weekend, as I looked up the massive rock wall, I would not let myself back down or let my boyfriend think that I was a wuss. I will do this. I AM capable of greater things than even I can fathom. Already with just 3 days of rock climbing I have learned so much. Most importantly that I am capable of big things that look impossible at first.
Oh, and always remember to enjoy the view!
So now I apply this to writing my first novel. It seems as impossible and daunting as Hell but I know I have it in me to do this. I will surprise myself if I just take that first step. There will be times of literally just hanging in there, but you keep going. No matter what, you have achieved more than when you were just starting, with your feet on the ground.
I feel so alive.
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