Friday, March 12, 2010

Hang on to your hats kids!

It has now been 2 weeks since I've escaped the grasp of the 9-5 work force. Escaped, kicked out, whatever. Point is, I'm enjoying this new adventure. It's pretty scary at times but more of the time that sense of tension in my stomach is just excitement. I had 3 auditions this week. 2 for commercials and 1 for a student film. I booked the role for the lead in the student film and even though to some it's not a big deal, it is to me. Finally I'll have some actual film experience. It's a start- and I won't start by complaining.
My acting classes are wonderful. I look forward to all that I will learn and am so grateful for what I've learned so far.
What amazes me most though is the strong sense of support I have felt from friends. They are literally holding me up while I get to be a little more steady using my acting legs to support me. It will be a little while till I can walk on my own, but to have that support encourages me to walk on my own and then to hopefully run. Run like the wind! And then to be in place where I can be the person someone can lean on while they try to steady themselves.
I know I've lucked out down here by having such amazing friends. Too often I've heard from people how lonely it is down here, how much back stabbing and biting goes on. All I can say is that there must be Someone out there taking care of me.
I have a family of friends down here and they make this adventure all the more fun.

So, while I steady these new legs, I continue to work on re-writing my movie, Dear Hollywood, that we plan to shoot mid April, writing a sit-com webisode, and draw cartoons for a friend's show. All this while going out for auditions and working on scenes for class...and pick up any paying gig I can.

This is one heck of a ride folks. Hang on.

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