Well, I've been here just a little over a month now. I'm working two jobs. One as a barista (as earlier predicted) and also working for Ann Taylor (women's apparel) . Coffee and Clothes. What more could a girl want?
Our bathroom of death continues to worsen. The only thing I could find to keep the shower head where it belonged was electrical tape. So far it's holding up but due to the amount of times the shower head has fallen, there is a nice big crack in it, I'm pretty sure more water comes out the crack then through the actual spray area. Water pressure is lacking. I might as well wash my hair in the sink....if that wasn't clogged. I think the sink in the kitchen is beginning to get back up as well. So now we just brush our teeth and spit into the toilet. That we can flush and make go away....for now.
Thankfully we made a deal with our renter to only pay every two weeks since we are desperately looking for a new place to stay. Right now it looks like I may be moving out into the suburbs for a while to live with my friend Candice (she was a roommate of mine in N. Ireland). Rent will be much cheaper and I need to get into a place of better financial security. Even with two mediocre jobs I can not afford a place close to the metro rail. I feel I'm taking quite a step back, but I think it's best for the long run. I hope to still make it to my improv classes once a week, but that might be it for improv for now. Sometimes it's best to slow down to get a stronger footing. That way I can run longer and further instead of burning out and having to move back home.
This will make things easier for Jon since now he can look for a place closer to work and it doesn't need to be by the metro in the more expensive areas.
All in all things are going well. I'm really enjoying this learning process of growing up and living in the real world. Finances suck as I'm sure you all know. So it's been interesting figuring out what works best for me.
Before ending this update I have a great Hollywood story for you!

I had the most stereotypical run in with a Hollywood director/producer the other day. I was walking along the street and this tall black man walked up to me and said "Girl, mmm you better put some aloe vera on your skin every day!" I told him I always wear sunblock to which his reply was "Ya, but you need to put aloe on to keep it nice and soft and protected. You have some nice fair skin....What you do in this town?" I told him I started doing improv. I tried to get away but he kept talking. "Oh your a funny girl. When's your show I'd love to see you. I'm a director and a producer and I'm always looking for someone new who's got 'it'. You have a brilliance about you. I can see that. Your going to make it to the top." I thanked him for his encouragement and tried to leave again. "You should call me. Here put my number in your phone. You have a phone, Don't pretend you don't". So I took out my phone hoping this would finally let me leave. He gave me his number and I pretended to put it in. " Now you better call me. Don't go all Hollywood on me and not call. We can just hang out or something. I'm doing lots of projects and doing stuff for HBO and shit." I told him that was great. After a little bit more awkward sentences were spoken I finally got away.
A couple hours later as I was enjoying a nice ice tea and a book at Cafe Audrey the guy showed up again! He was just visiting a friend who "supposedly owned the place". "Well look who it is! This must be fate!" He sat down at my table and the awkward conversation resumed. I tried so hard to get him to go away but still be nice. "Why haven't you called? I'm just kidding. But seriously you should call me soon. Sorry I'm so jittery right now I'm in the middle of a bunch of shit that I"m getting started. I'm doing a documentary that's up for a Nobel Peace Prize." It has something to do with a nation and God....I don't know. I couldn't read his outline because he kept talking a mile a minute. Laying all his cards on the table of how special he was and all the stuff he was doing. At that moment two Hollywood Hotties walked by and he stopped in mid sentence to look at them. He turned back to me and said "Mmm, I'm always looking for new talent." I looked through some of his other papers he had on the table and noticed another "project" titled something like "Sexy Kittens". Hmmm a Nobel Peace Prize piece and porn. You really got all your areas covered.
Finally he left the table after shaking my hand three times and staring at me for a long time "absorbing my 'brilliance'". I thought about my run in and laughed. Over the course of two conversations he never once asked my name or really anything about me. He sold himself on every level. How sad, I thought, those caricatures are true for a reason. They really exist.
1 comment:
oh but "darlink" your brilliance is shimmering, even from here! ;-) wet myself laughing! miss you mate! x
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