Having a guy roommate who is neither you brother or significant other is like marriage training with out the benefits. I love my roommate. He's a great guy and totally laid back, but there are times where I feel like I'm getting a glimpse into the future of a married life. I find myself cleaning up after him. Rewashing his dishes, re-cleaning what I've asked him to clean...I find myself following a step behind him to do damage control but trying not to let him notice.
This morning we heard a big "pop" come from the refrigerator. I opened the door to discover his Rockstar he put in the freezer section had exploded and was dripping all over the rest of the refrigerator inhabitants. I asked him to please clean it up before going to work as it would dry and get really sticky all over the place. He grabbed for a big white clean bath towel to start cleaning. I quickly got a wash cloth and switched out the towel for him. He was done in a matter of a couple minutes. I knew there was no way he could have cleaned out that entire little fridge in that time. So, slyly, I got something out of the fridge and began to wash it off. "Oh! Did it get on that too?" It's every where buddy. So he cleaned a second time.
I waited till he left for work to do my version of the fridge wipe down.
One day after work I came home to find our one dish towel and all the dish rags in the dirty pile covered with coffee stains. I went looking for the big spill site and didn't find much of anything. I washed out the rags and towel as best I could since we needed something to clean dishes with later. I later found out what had happened was that there was some water on the kitchen floor from the wet dishes and Jon had slipped on it, flaying backwards, then forwards and head butting his head on the the mug of coffee he had set on the edge of the sink. The coffee few everywhere, the curtains, the wall, the floor, and all over his face and shirt. After hearing this I couldn't be mad at all. I was trying so hard not to pee my pants from laughing at the image of him face butting his coffee on the counter. He's kind of a klutz.

Last night Jon said something about the plugged kitchen sink and said I shouldn't dump my mac and cheese noodles down the drain because that's what clogged it. I didn't want to get in a battle of who's fault it was and my mac and cheese weren't in that sink longer than earlier that evening. The drain had been getting continually worse since we got here. I didn't feel like pointing out he dumped his grease from his cooking down the drain every night and that this sink was a problem before we even got here.
At night Jon likes to go to sleep watching television. Me, a light sleeper, finds this hard to cope with. Most nights I have to turn the t.v off after he's fallen asleep.
The bathroom situation still tends to make me feel a little awkward. With only a curtain and no door I think we both wait till the other is gone to work to do any personal business in there. With a curtain only separating our rooms I'm worried about a gust of wind blowing the "door" open while I'm changing.
I find myself on edge and unable to really relax. Apparently I like my things clean, organized, and safe.
Jon is a great roommate. It's just that the confines of this apt. are a little too small, and frankly, I've discovered, until I'm married, I'll stick with girl roommates.