So, my first week in Hollywood has been an interesting adventure. Filled with high and low points. High was being greeted by my friend at the airport. Low was seeing my new apt.

I figure I'm on the right track. What successful actor/actress started out with an amazing apartment? So what if our apartment is small and in the ghetto? So what if the first morning there I had to kill of a hoard of ants on the kitchen counter. At least anything I move to now will be a step up!

The other day I almost bought a car...then realized the wallet doesn't close back up at the price tag. Oh no! Since I had never even considered buying a car I had to go through the eye opening experience of seeing the number grow when adding in lisence, registration, taxes, insurance, monthly payments, gas....ya....so what did I smartly decide?
I bought a bike!

It's gas efficient! It's earth friendly! I don't have to buy a membership to the gym! See?! So many good things.
Along with my tiny apartment in the ghetto comes a the joy of really getting to know my roommate. The bathroom only has a curtain separating the two rooms. So, every morning I excuse myself to the living room while he takes his morning...well, you know. What makes it even more interesting is my roommate is a guy friend from Comedy Sportz Portland (we have a mutual friend as well). So.... what a fun way of getting to know someone eh?
I've started out on the right foot. A tiny apartment in a sketchy neighborhood, e-mailing headshot and resume to as many casting announcements as possible, no car, no job....
Until I get to be one of those paid starlets,

One other good thing about where I live: from my kitchen sink I can see the "Hollywood" sign. A little motivation as I wash my dishes and kill more ants.
hey little friend, this was fun to read. kudos on the bike, get a helmet! you can fix a broken arm but not a squished noggin!
I think that all sounds awesome! I was talking to a lady from Disney Land today who told me that they're hiring in the summer for actors to chat online pretending to be Disney characters to people on their website! Crazy!!! I have her email if you're interested.....
So, Starving Starlet you've arrived and you're sending out material. Congratulations! I really like your blog site. So smart looking! I look to being in the loop of your adventures!
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