I was thinking of my “rocking chair society” Mike and I had made up awhile ago. I thought that if it was a real club we would need an oath. So, let’s pretend this society exsits. I think the oath might go something like this:
As a member of the RCS Inc. I promise to saddle up my rocking chair next to my nearest and dearest by the age of retirement home inhabitance. Until then, may I leave room for growth, discussions, arguments, misunderstandings, forgiveness, travel, and a chasing of dreams. I swear to follow my dreams and become the fullest person I can so that when we meet again stories will be re-enacted, tears spilled, lessons learned, and laughter throughout.
I promise to be there for my fellow friends even when I don’t understand or agree. Till coffen do we part. Friends till we rock no more. Rock on or die.
Ok, so maybe it would be something like that..... I haven’t quite figured out the wording. But I think you get the picture.
Friendship is this thing that I keep marveling at throughout my life. The friends that come and go. The arguments and misunderstandings. The hurt feelings and pain the closest of friends can bring. But if we agree, in the beginning, to be there in the end we will know that an argument doesn’t mean the end. That geographical space doesn’t mean no longer a close connection. By allowing space, we get closer.
Friendship can be rare, but it’s a beautiful thing. You just have to be willing to work towards it. I am. Are you?
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