Friday, January 27, 2012

Universal Storytelling

This beautiful short silent film is up for an Oscar this year.
Please take a look at at. This film, to me, represents exactly what I want to do with my short films.

I laughed, I cried, and I fell in love. Hope you do too.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Monday, January 23, 2012


If you knew you would never become a "success" (by our society's popular definition) would you still be doing what you are doing now?

This Tinsel town is a place I love to hate and also just plain love. On a daily basis I run into people who have packed their bags the week before and headed toward this city of their dreams. Met people who have actually said "my dream is to become the next Paris Hilton/Kardashian"(I barf silently to myself). People who want to become famous for the sake of being famous shop for groceries side by side with people who just want to create art and get it out to the world.
I can go see a silent movie, go swing dancing in a 1920's art deco building with a live swing band, see movies in the Hollywood cemetery, hear the LA Philharmonic, have a picnic under the Hollywood sign, or just curl up in my little studio apartment and know there is always something to do. However, some love the other side of Hollywood - the clubs, the premiers, the celebs, the casting couch...whatever your little starlet heart desires it's here in Hollywood.

But after reading a few blogs lately, this post specifically, I've been thinking about what I really want in life. I know that I want to make as many people happy and laugh and love life as I possibly can. To entertain and capture audiences with amazingly heart felt stories. I dream of the day I do a stand-up show to a sold out theatre, sing jazzy lounge songs in a cafe, screen my silent film to a receptive large audience, write a best-selling book of humorous essays, bring down the house after some amazing tap dance number, or make my Oscar acceptance speech.

But those things may never happen.

What I want is to resolve to be OK with that. What if over my lifetime I made a million people laugh but not all at once in packed houses - but one by one. Crack a joke to the cashier at the grocery store. Do stand-up at open mics in front of other comedians who are a tough crowd. Tap dance my heart out only in class in front of the other 2 students. Write funny stories and just post them on this blog. Post my silent film on Facebook and hope people see it. Day by day. One person at a time.

Is it success when the world pats you on the back? Or success when you go to bed and know that that day you did what made your heart happy?

To those in Hollywood - why are you here? There is no "right" or "wrong" answer - but by answering it you may find a new insight into your happiness. I want everyone to be happy and feel alive. We don't know how long we have here (we are reminded all too often). And if I could hug your right now I would...but I can't.

You are an artist. You have art living in you and around you. I hope you see that and use it today.

For those of you who want to be the next Hilton/Kardashian..... I wish I had something witty and loving to say, but I am at a loss for words. I just don't understand that world.

But for all of us who are scraping by to stay here another month - I believe today is your success.