Today was my first day at an actual window taking care of people's deposits. I thought I would get to have the same training I did when I began my days as a teller back in Washington: someone talking me through each deposit so I would get the hang of what to do.
It started out like that....for maybe 10 min. Then as the line of customers grew a bit my "trainer" left me to go to his window to help other customers. So there I was, staring at the poor person in front of me while I struggled with their deposit. For 8 hours today I was paranoid about totally screwing up people's accounts. "Winging it" is not something I would suggest for training a teller. I'm dealing with your money! Come on! You'd think more precaution would be taken.
About 5pm my assistant manager hovered over my shoulder. Good, like that makes you perform better. After I had finished with my customer she made me close my window.
"Ok, now I don't know what you do in Washington, but in California we require you use the customer's name at least 3 times. Did you notice anything when you pulled up his account?"
"The reason you pull up their profile is so that you can see what they may need for their account. What can you refer?"
I tried to tell her that I was in the process of unlearning the Washington system to learn the California system, I was trying to make my transactions accurate, trying to remember the different processes for deposits, look for fraud, NSFs, and a few other things.
She responded by telling me that I also needed to be more social with my customers.
Listen lady, talking to customers is not a problem for me, but right now my priority is getting this deposits and payments done right. Right now, I don't care about your "numbers" and "scores". This is my first day and I'm trying not to totally eff these people's accounts.
But...I didn't say that. My next customer came to my window and I'm pretty sure I said his name 20 times. "How are you today Dave? How would you like your cash back Dave? Thank you for banking with us today Dave. Have you thought about having online banking Dave? ok, well have a nice day Dave."
Perhaps tomorrow will be better. I'm exhausted. It's only day one......