I've discoverd my attitude towards life by observing my reactions to life situations lately.
While my rather Pollyanna-esque attitude may seem a little too niave for my friends, I can't help but hope for the best.
It is a crazy world out there, but perhaps if I put my standards low, then everything seems so wonderful, or better than I expected. I reach for the stars because I know it gets me farther than if I just stood there with my arms at my sides. It is such an amazing beautiful (and I don't mean in just all the "nice" ways) world. Life is good, not nice, but good.
I love this quote I read once. It was something along the lines that life is like a good wine. It's not just for anyone. You have to aquire a taste for it.
With every experience, whether it be painful, joyful, beautiful, terrorfying, or something else.....you adjust that pallette.
I love life. I really do. I love to look for the good and beautiful in every situation. What can this teach me? What window does this let me see into in my friend? How has this changed who I am?
I guess, I feel like a child. Seeing the day with wonder and awe.
Is this too niave? Will I grow out of this? I hope not.
I just hope I'm not the only one.